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Cert Courses – Implement Incident Management Processes


Course Overview

This competency unit covers the skills and knowledge required by the person in charge of a facility to implement the incident management process during an emergency incident in a process facility. This unit covers the approach, structure, tools, processes, communication methods that can be utilised during an emergency incident.

Who Should Attend

Individuals who play the role of Site Main Controller (SMC) and Site Incident Controller (SIC) of their Company Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Individuals who are currently supervisors or senior technicians from the following sub-sectors:


Course Outline

A competent individual must be able to successfully perform the following:

Training Grant

1 Day
8 hours: Classroom Training 7 hrs + Assessment 1 hr
20 Toh Guan Road, #07-02, Singapore 608839
Practical Performance and Written/ Verbal Test
A Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SSG will be awarded upon the course completion
S$414.20 per pax
(inclusive of 9% GST)