WSH Courses
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WSH Courses
(formerly Oil/Petrochemical Safety Orientation Course for Workers) On completion of this unit, learners will have the skills and knowledge in applying workplace safety and health practices to ensure the safety of oneself and others at work in the Oil and Petrochemical industry
WSH Courses
(formerly Safety Instruction Course (Manhole) for Supervisors) Upon completion of this unit, learners will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the duties of a supervisor working in a Confined Space.
WSH Courses
(formerly Safety Orientation Course (Manhole) for Workers) On completion of this unit, learners will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and expertise to perform the duties of an entrant and attendant when working in a confined space, use gas detection instruments and participate in an emergency situation.
WSH Courses
Designed to equip participants with adequate basic knowledge on rescue for purpose of executing rescue planning and rescue operation in a confine space.
WSH Courses
Designed to create awareness among workers in industries on various hazards of chemicals and their safe handling. At the end of the course, participant should be able to : Describe the classes of chemicals and their hazards. Understand the Material Safety Data Sheet. Explain and apply safe practices in the handling of hazardous materials.
WSH Courses
To be able to form and carry out duties of WSH Committee at the workplace as required under the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH Committees) Regulations.
WSH Courses
Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to apply the necessary knowledge to evaluate, select, coordinate, monitor and communicate WSH expectations between principle (clients) and contractors.