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Ferno Model 445 Universal™ Head Immobilizer

The lightweight, easy-to-apply Model 445 Universal Head Immobilizer helps immobilize patients quickly and safely, allowing you to deliver more comfortable and secure care.



  • Immobilizer is simple to use and light weight
  • Includes two plastic-coated, closed-cell foam head supports, a universal attachment base, and two durable head straps.
  • The base plate fits all Ferno backboards (except the NAJO Sports Board).
  • Head supports can be used on standard backboards, or turned around for use on the Ferno Scoop Stretcher.
  • Unique head strap is designed to conform patient’s forehead.
  • Large ear holes for monitoring the patient
  • Minimal interference with X-ray, MRI, or CT procedures
  • Waterproof plastic coating makes it easy to prevent bacterial growth within components.
  • Will not absorb blood or bodily fluids
  • Easy to clean and decontaminate between uses

A minimum of 5 sets of this PPE are required, for 1 SIC and 4 ERT members.