Home|product|First Aid|AED Accessory|AED Wall-Mount Enclosure (w Alarm), Signange & CPR Poster

AED Wall-Mount Enclosure (w Alarm), Signange & CPR Poster

AED cabinets include an alarm and strobe light to protect the defibrillator.


  • 40cm(HT) x 36cm(L) x 18cm(W) – 4.9kg.
  • White Powered Coated Steel Enclosure.
  • Emergency Break Glass.
  • Lock with 1 Master & 1 Spare Key.
  • Installation included.
  • Signage & CPR Poster



AED Sign:
AED 3-way signage to attract attention and can be visible from all angles.

CPR + AED Poster

A3 laminated poster.